Saturday, May 28, 2005

Cute things that Hannah says

We used to live in Pizza Hutt. (I think she means Lower Hutt...)
Now, Hannah goes to Monster Story school.
She loves visiting the Banana Pool (coz they've got a big water slide!) and wants to go back to the Chocolate Battery. (um, er, factory...!)

Monday, May 23, 2005

Of mice and men

We were at a dinner on Friday night hosted by another SOM student, when I was asked whether we had a mouse problem. I blithly replied that our house seem mouse proof as I had no evidence of their scampering little presence despite it being That Time of Year.

It seems I spoke too soon.

It was on the way home that Chris let it slip that he'd seen a mouse that very day and asked if I knew where the mousetrap was.

Mouse trap has been duely located, set and emptied several times over the last 2 days. Yes, that's one a day so far. At least the mice so far have been dead when discovered - the last time we had a mouse invasion, I had to deal with several live ones. I'm afraid I didn't distinguish myself on those occasions and the less said about that the better. Let's just say we don't have as many mouse traps as we used to...

Be that as it may, this week is a busy one as Chris is preaching next week, has a talk for some Balclutha folk next Monday and there are several assignments due. Oh, and I led some songs at Leith on Sunday (the youth group were desperate!!!). And played bass. Not easy to do together.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

A distirbing state of affairs

Alas, after 12 years of parenthood I have finally joined the ranks of those running their children to sport's practises. Chris was tied up finishing an essay so I had to go and stand in the cold, wet, windy, muddy field and watch Zach at soccer practise. I suppose suffering is good for me. He does love it though, has a great time and his skills are improving. (We also had an interview with his teacher today who thinks he is just great! Perceptive woman.)

Katarina played her second game of netball ever today! They put her in as goal shoot even though she has hardly played and can't shoot to save herself (or her team). Or is that where you put people who don't know much about what they are doing? I seem to remember playing wing attack??? She is nearly the shortest in the team too. Anyway, she seemed to enjoy herself and even Janine is showing an interest in joining the school team, albeit somewhat late.

Hannah is sporting yet another graze from tripping over on our way to school. If only she would stop running! Not sure what we are going to do when the frosts arrive, well, we've had one or two but none round the house. Up here on the hill, the frost's haven't settled although they've been quite heavy down on the flat.

Friday, May 13, 2005

May madness

We’ve had a week of wonderful warm weather which is about to come to an end. I’ve managed to get out running 3 mornings this week, up to 7km on Thursday so, as you can imagine, I’m feeling pretty chuffed – or should that be puffed!

I managed to get down to help with Zach’s “Choosing Time”, today and was able to help out in the classroom for a bit. This week Chris preached in class and we presented a seminar together. Katarina is enjoying her cooking lessons at school and the girls managed to cook most of Wednesday’s tea for us. Zach is so excited about tomorrow’s soccer game! Hannah is exhausted from her week at school – she fell asleep during stories tonight!!!

Tomorrow I am running a one hour workshop as part of a Children and Families’ training day. So we are keeping busy as you can see.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Mother's Day

I've been treated like the best mother in the world with breakfast in bed and lovely cards and presents too. Spoiled.
And I don't feel like I deserve it AT ALL. Yesterday's cake baking attempt was a Disaster. I've never before burnt a cake top AND bottom and still had the inside goey and fudgy. I'm blaming the oven and seems like the other SOM families have similar tales. Still, what kind of mother can't come up with a birthday cake for her 12 year old daughter?? Sylivia came to the rescue, lovely lady, popped home for an hour to feed her family, although actually I think her husband came to the rescue there and then they all came round here for desert. We fed Jo Ryan and Anna for tea so KJ felt like she had a real celebration, all very impromptue and spontaneous, lots of noise and laughter.

KJ had a quiet birthday, she went to another party on Friday night after ballet and had music Saturday morning while Zach was making his debut as a soccer star. For those of you who haven't been texted or emailed by Chris yet, Zach scored two goals and was player of the day. Big thanks to Kif who posted down boots and shin pads which arrived just in time for practise on Wednesday. Chris has turned into a soccer dad - it only took ONE game! (sigh)

Friday we were down at the local baptist church learning how to safely conduct full immersion baptisms. Next week we are looking at infant baptism, using dolls I assume as real babies would not be as co-operative as we students are. Fortunatly Firday was mild but things are much chillier today with snow on Dunedin's hill tops. But we've had another lot of firewood arrive, nice and dry so we are starting to feel like we might survive the winter.

I sneaked into the Leith Valley church's worship team today, played bass very quietly as I haven't been practising but it is all coming back. We've just come back from music practise as the tutor groups are starting to take community worship on Wednesdays now and we are also putting the music together. It was nice to have a break from the music but I think I might be ready to start doing some more now. Yay!

As you may have gathered from the long silence, there was rather a lot due last week, sermons, exegesis, etc and extra shopping for 2 birthday parties and one birthday. Hannah was invited to TWO parties, so we had to choose...oh, it's tough being popular! But things look more manageable this week, might have time to get started on the last of the assignments. Oh, and Katarina had a tooth pulled out as it's replacement was coming up in the wrong place. Yes, it really has been all go.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Back to school

Hannah was pleased to be back at school, Katarina was ready BEFORE the girls arrived to pick her up, Janine is back in her routine and we settled Zachary succesfully into his new room with his new teacher. And I've just about finished another assignment this morning - ah it's good to be back!

This is a pretty big week at SOM, with lots of things due. We are starting our sermons in class this week, not quite knowing how it is all going to work, but hopefully will go OK.

My sermon went OK on Sundy; one of their regulars is having her medication adjusted so she was as high as a kite...ah the joys we have to look forward to! However, the congregation are well used to working with here and she managed not to interrupt too many times. We used "You are the rock" which is very exciting.