Sunday, April 29, 2007

Big news, big news

The big news this week is that I have won a scholarship, the Begg-Dickie memorial scholarship from the School of Ministry. They hand out one a year usually, and I am pretty excited. This means that I can actually pay for the course that I have started or at least pay off the Student Loan. It also raises the possibility of doing further study, which probably won't surprise anyone! There will be a sort of official announcment at the School of Ministry on Wednesday - the new director wants to make a bit of a fuss about it.

We have had a good start back into the routine of life in Dunedin. Zachary has started soccer again, and the two younger children have music on Saturdays. The girls are playing netball again this term which makes Thursday nights busy for Janine. Our Sunday's continue to be full; we enjoyed going to Alofa's ordination last night after a street party on North Road held by the Salvation Army and the Fire Brigade.

Temperatures are continuing to fall and there is a hint of frost in the air. The city is beautiful in her autumn colours. Life is good.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Indian summer

After several busy weeks, we have time and space to catch our breath for a bit. The children were all happy to go back to school - well, more or less. Their parents are certainly happy! Our windowsills are crowded with the objects d'arts which they have put together.
I am currently collecting data for my thesis; this is slightly out of order but I thought I should at least make a start and as I am recording the services, I can decide what to do with them later. I am just putting the finishing touches and final edit on the Research Project which is great.
Chris has been suffering with a sore back for the last couple of months but has finally gone to the doctor who sent him to a chiropracter and hopefully, all will be sorted. Chris took both services at Mosgiel on Sunday as we had a School of Ministry student preaching. We are back to our normal routine with Sunday School, or Kidzone, and Youth Group in the evening.
Katarina has been really enjoying doing some long stitch these holidays. She decided she didn't like counting for the cross stitch but she has completed one project in less than a week and really enjoyed it.
Hannah is hoping to do some reading today, she told me this morning. We have cut her hair - too many tangles in the morning! - and she is looking much more grown up.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

April showers

Definitely a change in temperatures this week - snow on the hills last Friday!!! I enjoyed leading worship on Sunday as well as preaching as it was the holidays. We had rather an exciting service which involved a number of temporary changes for the good people of Mosgiel which they have handled with grace and tolerance!

This week our three youngest are enjoying the holiday program next door; lots of creative art work going on and plenty of company to do it with which is great. We are also enjoying having Silvia and Daniel to stay with us this week while Silvia attends the two intenstives at the school of ministry.

I have been able to spend more time on study this week as I don't have services to prepare for; we have a student preaching at Mosgiel and Chris is taking the service.
All is well

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Good Easter tidings all!

Easter Camp Tirohanga this year was up about 20 campers on last year; we spent Sunday afternoon and evening out there, good times. I preached at North Taieri in the morning, and we were both going to take communion at camp in the evening - that is, until Zak plonked himself in the creek. He was already cold after the water sliding. So, I bailed, took the kids home and left Chris to it! (Love being a partner in ministry!) Communion was one part of a "stations of the cross", and there were 5 groups; I think celebrating 5 times in a row is really going to help Chris. The leaders had organised the cooks to make a damper but large ones don't seem to cook that well. At least it was dark, so we figured the kids wouldn't notice, but the first group (I was there for that one), commented that it was like having a whole meal. Solid. I hope there is some good theology in that...

Some weeks we struggle to keep the hours realistic; sadly we had a big funeral last week as one of our key, elder statesmen elders passed away. However, the children are making friends, had a Mosgiel birthday party invite for Hannah on Saturday which led to kids from there playing here for Zak and a sleepover here on Sat. and there on Sun. for Janine. All good.