Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Music practice

In three weeks time, Zach and Hannah have piano exams - the intensity, duration and focus in practice has taken a dimensional leap! They have a range of pieces, jazz, modern, and classical and there is much work still to be done.
We enjoyed having Katarina home last week - she was on jury service during study break, but disappointed to have a mistrial declared on Friday! She took the bus home Monday evening.
Chris enjoyed a weekend break at Kakanui after taking a wedding in Temuka on Saturday. He is making a lovely job of installing the old bath as a water feature in the garden, complete with lilies, water weed, stones, and soon - fish.
We are also enjoying the Kiwi hot tub which arrived last Monday. We are trialling it in different places, but it is great to have a long soak outdoors at the end of the day.
Janine has been working on a speech for English, and is looking forward to her last days of school. She has also bought a ticket to Parachute!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

More holiday times

Zach enjoyed his time away in Queenstown, not least because he scored a goal, even while playing defense! He played well and had the opportunity to finally play in some different positions.
Chris went also. The weather was fairly cold but there are plenty of people to chat with on the sideline. At the moment he is still on leave, he had hoped to go tramping but the weather wasn't inviting. Instead, he is landscaping and making candles. Zach is helping, digging in the bath tub while I was away, and fixing the damage wrought by strong winds in the weekend.
Janine continues to work as a teacher's aide for a couple of days before we all head to Dunedin on Friday to see Katarina's university production. You may have seen the call for extras go out on Facebook last week.
Hannah has had a sleep over and the same friend over to sleep last night so we haven't seen much of her. I managed to shut her finger in the car door on Monday night as we were coming home from Hamilton - the swelling is coming down, and she seems fine.

Monday, October 08, 2012

October holidays

Someone suggested we should fit GPS trackers to our children as we have been all over the country these holidays.
MJ took Hannah to Hamilton where she has caught up with Oma, Opa, aunty Marijon and aunty Kif. MJ carried on to Rotorua for general assembly

Monday, October 01, 2012

The kitchen

The kitchen is in and life is returning to routine, or it would be if it weren't holidays.
Hannah and I leave tomorrow for Hamilton, back Monday.
Zach leaves for Queenstown on Friday, and Chris follows on Sunday, after church.
Janine and Shadow are here - Janine has picked up some work babysitting.