Sunday, November 27, 2011

It's the END (of November)

The girls have finished exams and we are a third of the way through the end of year concerts for music - orchestra last week, flute, clarinet, and recorder next week. I've just realised there might be a bit of a clash with the Christmas parade for the recorders.
The garden is gorgeous but lots of weeding to do!

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Janine has finished and Katarina finishes her last exam.
Zach achieved 91% (distinction) in Grade 1 piano.
Hannah achieved 79% (merit) in Initial, piano.

Monday, November 07, 2011

The beginning of the end

Janine and Katarina both have the last day of classes today. Tonight is prize giving for Janine and she will have her first exam on Thursday.

Last week was a big week as the parish discusses what to do with buildings. The conversation was sharpened by the decision of Parish Council to suspend having services in Chalmers in the meantime because it is an earthquake prone building. There is much talk of the value of Chalmers as a venue. The first question we have to answer is what buildings will serve our mission in Timaru.

Hannah will be playing her flute at the Croft, one of the local rest homes this afternoon. She is doing a lot of music at the moment with an exam for piano, and concerts for flute and recorder coming up.