Sunday, March 28, 2010

Last week of term one 2010

This is one of the busiest weeks of the year for us, with extra services and the end of term. Janine and Katarina finish school on Wednesday. Katarina also had a school service on Sunday night and successfully sat her learner's license test last Wednesday so she can learn to drive. Eeek!
I spent two days in Hamilton last week, with a Mission Possible meeting in Katikati and a studentsoul meeting.
Zach went to his first Gleniti swimming sports last week, and Hannah went to a Girl's Brigade area day on Sunday in Oamaru. Mum and Dad came up to stay with us last weekend.
Janine went back to school for an extra day on Sunday to help with the Timaru Girls' Open Day; she is a keen bean!

Monday, March 22, 2010

The equinox

All things being equal today...
Hannah was part of Gleniti's top school team, a wild and wacky day of fun sports for children at West End part yesterday. It's not often that Hannah misses church, but she had a great time. We biked down to support her after lunch, in time to see her attack the water slide. Hannah learned that the carpet was there to run across, not to slide across!
Zach has decided he would rather vacuum bedrooms and bathrooms than mow the lawns.
Janine bakes muffins and cakes to relax.
Katarina is making creative contributions to the world art scene. There is now a silver square on the lawn which, remarkably, has the same dimensions as her "installation." She has been instructed to get her license this week or no party on Friday - they have a day and a half off this week, as well as finishing early for Easter. Very slack.
Chris has an assignment due this week and I am away Wed-Friday so it's a busy week for us.

Monday, March 15, 2010

More in March

Last week I spent three days in Auckland, being with family as we celebrated the life of my uncle, Alan Sim. Alan was a railway enthusiast, a marathon runner (25!), and father of three. He had battled cancer for several years.I went up with Mum and Dad, and we've had good family time together. I even manged to dash out to studentsoul(Auckland) for a couple of hours.
The wheels fell off at home, as Chris tried to cope with all the extra bits I had planned for him. I was going to be away at school camp with Zach anyway, but things didn't go quite to plan. Hannah couldn't find her Girl's Brigade group so started walking home on her own, so wasn't there when Chris came to pick her up again, in fact, hadn't been seen. They were in fact in the kitchen, and she didn't quite look hard enough. Chris found her trudging slowly home, and we've had a wee chat about initiative and staying where you are supposed to be.
Zach had a great time at camp, they slept in tents one night, and he just loved the archery component. The teachers enjoyed the camp, it was a good group to take away.
Janine is late home two nights a week at the moment with croquet, a practice and a game. She gets herself to and from the grounds, which is a bit of extra biking for her.
Katarina has found not working means you have time, but not money. She was tutoring English to some Korean children at the start of the year.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Marching on

Zach is off to camp Tuesday morning, with his biscuits baked by Jaine, and gear found by Chris.
I am off to Auckland for a few days; uncle Alan passed away last week, funeral Wednesday 12:30.
It will be a busy week for Chris as it is Presbytery this week and the girls are going to the optometrist.Mind you, someone dropped off a meal for the family - didn't do that last week when he was away!