Monday, November 30, 2009

New church, new job, new year

Today is our first day with Timaru Presbyterian Parish, after our Inauguration Day on Sunday. No pay rises, but more opportunities to do mission. Zach and Hannah played their recorders on the last song, which was a nice touch, I thought. We also had a couple of children bring the Bible in, and the children also put together some decorations during their time, and them brought them out to 'dress up' the church.
Janine made our contribution to the shared lunch, and Katarina was busy on the technology front, and then worked with the children.
Last night Chris and I shared a meal with Duncan and Tracy, and their two children, Abby and Jessie who are great fun. Abby started school this year, and is doing well memorizing her reading books, as they all do at her age. Jessie has masses of red curls, and they both adore being the center of attention.
Katarina is at home, doing some cleaning for me, some organising for Chris, and some craft for herself. She has big ideas but not the wherewithall to pay for them - not interested in finding a job either sadly, so the cleaning list is expanding!

Monday, November 23, 2009


Zach is running his heart out (and jumping) at athletics today. We 've had a week of extremes; 30 degrees dropping to 12 or 14 as the southerly blows through! And a powercut this mornigng, thanks to a transformer explosion.
Hannah had a great party on Saturday, her friends decorated little cup cakes, which seems to go down well. Janine was a big help baking.
Katarina has finished exams, and is now tidying and cleaning the house - can't have her sitting idle!
We are on the countdown to amalgamation, lots to do, not enough time...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Post 300

Hannah turned 8 on Saturday, Janine baked a cake, and Katarina turned it into an octopus eight cake. Zach bought his sister a water gun, so there was the obligatory water gun fight on Sunday afternoon.
The post is late because I have been in Dunedin at the inaugural Pastoral and Practical Theology conference, presenting a paper, which was OK.
Chris has bought a new coffee machine and is enjoying experimenting.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

November the what?

Things people learned this week.
Zachary learned that if he plays on the computer he forgets about important things that he wants to do, like basketball.
Mum learned that if she bans Zach from the computer for the rest of the week that he has less excuses for not doing his jobs.
Hannah learned that putting the seat up on her bike makes it easier to ride.
Katarina learned that it is important to keep on mum's good side if you want the occasional lift to school.
Janine learned that the dog really hates the water part of her bath, but loves the getting dry bit.
And Chris learned that the new BBQ fits into the back of the van, which is useful when we want to take it to the St Paul's fair.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

What week is it?

Hannah was not well over the weekend with spiking temperatures and sore head. Her timing was unfortunate as the Girl's Brigade was celebrating 70 years in Timaru, and she wasn't able to attend the church service. She managed to pull herself together for the Light Party, but spend Sunday afternoon on the couch with her mum. I haven't had a sick child to nurse for ages, and she is back to school today, and seems to have bounced back.
Chris took Hannah and Zach to the Timaru Boys Fire works on Friday as well, so they had a big weekend! Zach won best dressed boy in his age group, and finally wore the check shirt that has been hanging in his wardrobe since the last Farmers Red Dot sale. I guess we need to think more carefully about our clothes when the children found most of what they needed for the "Wild, Wild West" theme already in their rooms. The cancer society had just been selling bandanna's which was helpful!