Monday, November 28, 2005

Back to what passes for normal

Zach is back to school this week, so in theory Chris and I should be able to get lots of work done.
Everyone else is well. I took Janine to see the latest Harry Potter movie on Saturday, so she is thrilled with the world at the moment. We signed the girls up for more music lessions on Saturday; the classes here are such good value for money. Hannah is the proud owner of new shoes with flashing lights - it's all good.

We had a big day yesterday with 8 baptisms at Leith Valley. The hot tub we used has come back to our place so we had a few friends over last night for a BBQ and the children had a great time in it. 14 kids at last count! But the best bit was soaking after everyone had gone home, the children were in bed, the place was tidy - ahhh.

The tub is a kiwi tub and if you are wondering what we are up to, check it out on

Big ups to John Roxborough for kindly lending us the tub. Please pray for John, he is facing more heart surgery this week, hopefully minor.

Monday, November 21, 2005

A pox on these poxes!

It's raining. Lots. Pity as we'd invited Sam and Rachel last night for a BBQ, partly to test out the new camping equipment. However, we had a lovely meal with them anyway.

Zach has the chicken pox now - I was hoping he'd already caught them but, no. Anyway, he is a bit itchy but otherwise OK. I guess this is an incentive to stay home and get writing this synthesis project...

Hannah surived a week of birthday parties, I think she would be quite happy to live like that all the time. From Mum and Dad last weekend, to family birthday on Monday, friend Ben's birthday party on Thursday, her own party on Friday and then another party on Sunday. Zach is not happy about her increased social life...

Chris has been busy working on the Leith Valley sound system - ah, just like old times

Monday, November 14, 2005

Hannah's birthday

Hannah turns four today.
Her spots are much better, thank you, and she is having a lovely time between the "Dora the Explorer" computer game her dad organised and a tape recorder.
I went down to Montessori - they have a lovely ceremony for birthdays, involving cakes, candles, songs etc. I was so impressed - it is not easy to get 27 pre-schoolers to sit and wait for the last person to be served their cake before eating it! And Hannah was brilliant, playing her part with considerable poise and dignity.

My parents stayed with us this weekend to help with childcare while Chris and I were tied with the Valedictory service. The service went off without a hitch, everyone is very pleased and now we can relax and focus on other things. We had a huge Sunday roast yesterday, thanks to one of our support parishes and generally had a very pleasant day.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Spot that!

Two bits of news.
Hannah has chicken pox.
Not the best timing with lots of farewells this week and most of our baby-sitters tied up with exams...but she has to get them sometime and at least she isn't too miserable.

And Zach scored the one and only and therefore winning goal in the Midget's demo game this afternoon. The team played at half time during the Premiere game at the Caledonian.

Yeah, we're chuffed.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Zach's team (and a few ring ins)

Speedy footwork

Good game team, well done!