Sunday, May 23, 2010

Monday in May

Chris has been in Auckland over the weekend, advocating for two candidates at National Assessment fort the PCANZ. While he was away, I hosted an elders training event, conducted a baptism, conducted and preached at two services, took Zak and a friend to Footsall training, and kept an eye on the young people's famine sleepover.
Not sure if Chris will make it home tonight, the weather forecast is not flash.
Hannah and Zach were sad their soccer games were canceled on Saturday but the Council closed all grounds. We'd arranged rides for them, so that didn't actually help my day any. They survived their respective 20 hour famines, but were glad to start eating again.
Janine has had her report from school which is very positive, that's all good.
Hannah is going to be part of the studio audience next Sunday for "What now" thanks to Auntie Sue - big ups!
Katarina is dithering about whether to go to the ball. She won a raffle which takes care of shoes, makeup and hair, but there is no dress, and no partner, despite best efforts of friends and she still isn't sure whether she wants to go or not. Tis hard to be a teenager...

Monday, May 17, 2010

May be

Chris and I spent Monday in Oamaru, helping "the man" put up the satellite dish that we bought dad for his birthday, well, Chris helped, and I talked to mum. Nice.
Chris has also put our old keyboard and sound system (Thanks Uncle Tim) in Zach's room, and yesterday we were treated to 80 different versions of Star Wars - there are about 80 different sounds on the key board. Zach also scored two goals in soccer on Saturday.
Hannah has been busy with her social life, organising one friend over on Saturday afternoon, and went to another friend's house on Sunday afternoon.
As I write, Katarina is playing badmintion, and Janine is about to go baby sit for my brother, Zach's just been co-opted into a team playing a footsall tournament over Queen's Birthday weekend, and Hannah is learning to touch type with a computer program called Mavis Beacon.
Winter is on its way, the autumn crocuses have finished, and the spring bulbs are bursting into life.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

17th birthday pirate party

The pirate party was a big success complete with dressed up pirates, and myself as the pirate's wench; a galleon in full sale for cake, jelly boats, and fish and chips for supper, of course!
The girls watched "17" which has no pirate themes at all, but does have Zac Efron, a big draw card apparently.
Mother's Day was pushed back until Monday morning as far as breakfast in bed goes, but flowers duly handed out at the service, celebrating women of faith.

Sunday, May 02, 2010


We had a lovely family gathering on Saturday to celebrate Dad's 70th birthday, complete with not one but two birthday cakes, a novelty one (by me!) and a proper one by Tracy. The cousins had a wonderful time together, as did we all.
Sue and Wayne stayed the night, and in the morning Hannah got through to "What Now" a children's program. She ended up on air and won a friendship bracelet. They talked all about the party, first thinking it was a seventies party, and then worked out it was a 70th - and then said "pardon" and they all went, see! She's losing her hearing. But my, you sound young for 70! This was all going on while Chris and I were trying to get out the door to take services!
Hannah also scored her first goal at soccer!!!! WAHOO!!!! And Zach scored twice! Quite the successful start to the season!
Now I have to go take a funeral.