Sunday, April 24, 2011

Anzac day, Easter Monday

We've had a lovely warm and fine Easter until today, but the rain managed to hold off during the Dawn service. Hannah and I then went off to McDonalds for breakfast. Chris is taking the RSA service at 10 this morning.
Later today we will go to Oamaru and pick up Janine. Katarina is staying on in Dunedin for a couple more days and will come home on Wednesday.
We've had a busy week with the Holiday Program and extra Holy Week services. We managed to make the Easter Sunday dawn service on the beach this year, which was a simple affair with fish and bread to follow. We took Shadow as well, who loved running all over the beach.
This week will be a much quieter catch up week, nothing too much planned.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Easter Holiday Progarm

So, the children all survived the end of term and are looking forward, mostly, to the next four days of the holiday program. Zach and Hannah played their first games of soccer on Saturday, despite the rain.
Hannah is sad to be saying goodbye to her friend Flora who is moving to Australia this week. While they were not in the same class this year, they have been hanging out together at lunchtimes, and at church.
Janine enjoyed her history trip, although she came back very tired. She is going to do puppets at the Holiday Program.
Katarina is on her fourth version of a crochet scarf; she is experimenting with the width, and getting quite fast.
Janine and Katarina are going to Easter Camp in Dunedin on Thursday after the last Holiday program

Monday, April 11, 2011

The end of Term One, 2011

I spent Thursday and Friday in Dunedin last week, working. Mostly things worked out at home, although I forgot to remind everyone about the piano lessons, so they missed those out altogether. Hannah and Zach managed to make it to their football thing on Thursday, so that's good. First game this weekend, and they are pretty excited. Mother less so.
Busy weekend too; a 40th party and their kids stayed at our place, and then an 80th on Sunday afternoon.
Janine left this morning for her history trip; central Otago or thereabouts.
Katarina has finished her chemistry assignment and handed it in, and had another chapel service Sunday night which clashed with the last night of youth group.
We are busy preparing for next week's Easter Holiday program.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Tutus on tour in TImaru

We had a girls night out on Thursday. The ballet was fab, and we feel very fortunate to be able to go! They did Verdi variations to start with, a whole bunch of traditional ballet stuff, although enlivened by some interesting exits and entrances as the dancers competed with one another for stage time and applause, very funny.
The second part was Pinocchio. I hadn't realized what a morality tale the original is, but wonderfully danced and presented. Just marvelous.
Zach had his first football 'thing' on Saturday, a get together with the team and coach before the season. Usually the team gets together for the first game, and we certainly haven't heard anything about Hannah's team yet.