Sunday, April 22, 2007

Indian summer

After several busy weeks, we have time and space to catch our breath for a bit. The children were all happy to go back to school - well, more or less. Their parents are certainly happy! Our windowsills are crowded with the objects d'arts which they have put together.
I am currently collecting data for my thesis; this is slightly out of order but I thought I should at least make a start and as I am recording the services, I can decide what to do with them later. I am just putting the finishing touches and final edit on the Research Project which is great.
Chris has been suffering with a sore back for the last couple of months but has finally gone to the doctor who sent him to a chiropracter and hopefully, all will be sorted. Chris took both services at Mosgiel on Sunday as we had a School of Ministry student preaching. We are back to our normal routine with Sunday School, or Kidzone, and Youth Group in the evening.
Katarina has been really enjoying doing some long stitch these holidays. She decided she didn't like counting for the cross stitch but she has completed one project in less than a week and really enjoyed it.
Hannah is hoping to do some reading today, she told me this morning. We have cut her hair - too many tangles in the morning! - and she is looking much more grown up.


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