Thursday, May 19, 2005

A distirbing state of affairs

Alas, after 12 years of parenthood I have finally joined the ranks of those running their children to sport's practises. Chris was tied up finishing an essay so I had to go and stand in the cold, wet, windy, muddy field and watch Zach at soccer practise. I suppose suffering is good for me. He does love it though, has a great time and his skills are improving. (We also had an interview with his teacher today who thinks he is just great! Perceptive woman.)

Katarina played her second game of netball ever today! They put her in as goal shoot even though she has hardly played and can't shoot to save herself (or her team). Or is that where you put people who don't know much about what they are doing? I seem to remember playing wing attack??? She is nearly the shortest in the team too. Anyway, she seemed to enjoy herself and even Janine is showing an interest in joining the school team, albeit somewhat late.

Hannah is sporting yet another graze from tripping over on our way to school. If only she would stop running! Not sure what we are going to do when the frosts arrive, well, we've had one or two but none round the house. Up here on the hill, the frost's haven't settled although they've been quite heavy down on the flat.


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