Monday, July 26, 2010

Wellington wanderings

Chris and I have been in Wellington this weekend, attending Loyd's wedding (as guests) and Sivia's ordination in Foxton. Mum and Dad came up to spend the weekend in Timaru, although Zach spent the day in Dunedin on his first run out with the 11th Grade South Canterbury football rep team. There should have been football on Saturday but the council closed all the grounds after last week's rain. Zach's rep team won one and lost one.
Chris and I have had a lovely time catching up with the Knox crew, good to catch up with lots of people on Saturday night and then see church in full swing on Sunday morning. Jono Ryan conducted the wedding and also preached at both services on Sunday. It was great to see church going from strength to strength.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Hannah went from - "I can't do this," falling over and taking 30 minutes to get down the hill to "This is fun!" and skimming down the hill in 5 minutes, which was great to see. We had a fantastic time at Mt Dobson with some of the Steven's family. I didn't see Janine all day as she was on the upper slopes and Hannah wanted me to hang with her. Zach also gained enormously in confidence, and they are all pretty keen to have another go.
The holidays have just flown by. Chris took several funerals over the time, and the children have had a good break, with several sleep overs in various places.
This week we are back into the school routine with the added bonus of rep soccer practices and games to fit in as well.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

new news

We are of course a bit sad today. Zach and Chris were up at 6:30 am to watch the Dutch team lose to Spain, I was up in time to see the extra time goal.
We are having a quiet holiday at the moment, Hannah and I have been to the art gallery and the museum, and we all went out to breakfast on Saturday morning, apart from Katarina. We are having a run of frosts at the moment, and there will be another cracker one tonight, clear skies and the frost not gone from shady places yet.
Hannah and Katarina have been playing with the Mechano set today, and we are trying to get the kids to do some music from time to time - when we can get them away from the play station that is.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

End of June

Frantic end to last week - poor Hannah had a tummy bug Thursday and Friday, so we lost a bit of sleep, although she was very good for a sick girl, not too much clean up and she is back to normal now.

Our new nephew decided to start arriving Thursday night. Chris and I had just gone to bed when we got the call, so Chris popped around, and stayed the night while Duncan and Tracey went to hospital. Lachlan Henry McLeod arrived early Friday morning, and all are doing well.

I didn't see him until Monday as I headed off to Waikenae 8:30 am to Connect, the national youth gathering for the Presbyterian Church. I've had a full on weekend catching up and meeting new people.

Zach had a rep soccer practice and meeting on Sunday afternoon. He is still pretty chuffed about making the team, there is a whole bag of stuff with the team strip and the coach is pretty keen for the team to do well!
Janine and Katarina are having a lovely lazy holiday, bless them, watching movies, reading books and catching up with friends. Nice to be some people!