Sunday, July 18, 2010

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Hannah went from - "I can't do this," falling over and taking 30 minutes to get down the hill to "This is fun!" and skimming down the hill in 5 minutes, which was great to see. We had a fantastic time at Mt Dobson with some of the Steven's family. I didn't see Janine all day as she was on the upper slopes and Hannah wanted me to hang with her. Zach also gained enormously in confidence, and they are all pretty keen to have another go.
The holidays have just flown by. Chris took several funerals over the time, and the children have had a good break, with several sleep overs in various places.
This week we are back into the school routine with the added bonus of rep soccer practices and games to fit in as well.


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