Monday, February 27, 2006

Back to lectures

First day of lectures today and we are coming to grips with workload, when assignments are due, reading lists, deadlines as well as adjusting to life with our fourth principal 6 months; John Roxborough is the acting principal while Kevin is away as the interim one fell ill unexpectedly.
We enjoyed an awesome retreat last week, albeit somewhat intense.
Zach is coping well with all the changes; we wrapped him up well on Sunday and then had the most awesome water fight, half the neighbourhood seemed to join in!!
Hannah walked home from Montessori today, took us half an hour but those of you who have visited know how big a climb it is, I am very proud of her. We walked with the big girls who were rather hoping to cadge a ride home, but it certainly made it easier to distract Hannah.
The girls are settling into DNI although sadly not into the homework routine yet; needs a little work. And we also need to get cracking on the music practise. But all this will wait until the essay due tomorrow is finished.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Of red casts and other things

Zak is now sporting a bright red cast, covered in signatures. He has become an expert wheel chair driver and went back to school today for a full day after a trial half day on Friday. School has been very supportive and helping with full time teacher aide help despite the communication difficulties with ACC due to the hospital not filing his claim yet. Please pray for this situation. I am taking more time off tomorrow to take Zak to our own GP so she can file a claim on his behalf. All very trying but we will get there in the end.

It is hard to believe it is only a year ago we were in Hamilton for Jono and Kat's wedding; today we had the inaugaral lecture which we missed last year. Between us, Chris and I managed to help out in a small way, Chris setting up the technology for John Daniel and videoing it while I ran his powerpoint.

Katarina and Janine are enjoying their outdoor education week, with Katarina heading out to the end of the harbour sailing. She has her father's sea legs! But she didn't throw up until almost the end of the trip which she was pleased about and didn't seem too distressed when she came home.

Janine is off to camp on Wednesday which will be nice. Katarina had a great time at the same camp last year.

And Hannah? Well, all the fuss and attention that Zak is getting is starting to wear a little thin as she is used to having plenty done for her and now we need her to be a little more independant. But she is loving her school and one friend in particular has turned up and she is really enjoying Rikki.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Prayer works

Thanks for praying everyone!
We finally made it home Wednesday afternoon, just in time for lots of after-school visitors. The cast is now bright red and covered with signatures. Zak is doing really well - it is tough for a six year old to go from running everywhere to having to sit around all day. However, the hospital's playstation has been easing the pain! We all process our grief differently... Now that we are home, it's back to computer games and one of my challenges is getting him to enjoy some other activties that don't involve a screen!

Zak has a full length cast and a wheelchair which is going to create some interesting mobility challenges. And we have to go back every week for more X-rays at this stage to check the bones are still lined up. This is obviously going to create some challenges for us and also the school.

Everyone else is fine, although the routine has taken a hammering! We've had lots of meals provided from the SOM whanau which has been a great help.

Monday, February 13, 2006


Chris Here. It is Monday 13th Feb and Zachary is Ok having broken his leg this afternoon, just after school.
He was running and collided with his friend. Nice big bump, but more than that it didn't look too straight. Off to A'n'E for a check up and sure enough it was broken. both the tib and fibula.
It has been set but stills needs straightening according to the second xray. which the surgeon will do in the morning if there is a space. M-J and Zak are spending the night in hospital hence why I am writting this. Zak is doing well, he was a very brave young man. and is now the proud owner of a full length cast. The physio tomorrow will fit him with crutches and a wheel chair.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Zach has broken his leg.
Just going to A and E now.
More news later.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Can't beat Wellington on a good day

Chris and I have just got back from Wellington. We had a wedding in Wanganui on Saturday, one of our fellow students from last year. The wedding was brilliant, helped along by a fabulous day. We felt very privileged to be part of the celebrations.

Chris preached at Knox on Saturday and we have spent the weekend catching up with friends, visiting the house at Hay Street and enjoying the hospitality at McLay's. It was great to see so many, despite the holiday weekend. There is another good crop of babies, I can't believe how all the children have grown and it is exciting to see how the young people are growing up and branching out.

Mum and Dad have also had a great weekend with the grandchildren here in Dunedin and they even managed to get the children off to school this morning for their first day. I've spent the last half hour writing checks for stationary and camps. Welcome to reality.