Monday, February 06, 2006

Can't beat Wellington on a good day

Chris and I have just got back from Wellington. We had a wedding in Wanganui on Saturday, one of our fellow students from last year. The wedding was brilliant, helped along by a fabulous day. We felt very privileged to be part of the celebrations.

Chris preached at Knox on Saturday and we have spent the weekend catching up with friends, visiting the house at Hay Street and enjoying the hospitality at McLay's. It was great to see so many, despite the holiday weekend. There is another good crop of babies, I can't believe how all the children have grown and it is exciting to see how the young people are growing up and branching out.

Mum and Dad have also had a great weekend with the grandchildren here in Dunedin and they even managed to get the children off to school this morning for their first day. I've spent the last half hour writing checks for stationary and camps. Welcome to reality.


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