Monday, October 31, 2011

November 2011

Hannah has a birthday list and invitations and everything! Most organsied!
Katarina is busy putting together more art work. She is helping Janine with redox chemistry. Jaine now has contact lenses, and is enjoying having peripheral vision.
Hannah is doing swimming at the moment; both Zach and Hannah have a piano exam later this month. They are also preparing for end of year concerts.
Chris is still working on tidying up football for the year; a managers work is never done it seems.
We're enjoying beautiful weather at the moment, warm and settled after the storms and rain of last week.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Art and camps

We are all back into routine today. I took Katarina to school as she had created lots of art over the holidays that were too big and too odd to carry to school. Janine also wanted a lift as she had extra books and folders to take back to school. It is not long until exams, so the pressure is on to do some study.

Zach had a camp at Camp Iona over the weekend along with others his age from youth groups around the region - Glenavy, Oamaru and Palmerston. One of the highlights were some fairly gross games that only young boys could love!

Hannah had a quiet weekend at home. Her friend Alia stayed the night after rugby.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Chris and I went with Zach to his football tournament in Blenheim. We stayed with the team, so it was a weekend of rough housing, football, showers and Nerf gun wars. A Nerf gun shoots foam pellets, and the whole team decided to invest in guns which happened to be on sale at the Warehouse. Every spare moment was spent in huge battles. They conducted themselves well on the field, losing their first game one nil to the eventual tournament winners, who took out their final game three nil. Zach played well, and we have some great photos.
Janine and Katarina manged to avoid having a party while we were away, keeping the dog and pot plants alive. Janine has decided to invest in contact lenses, and is enjoying having peripheral vision for a change. You certainly notice her green eyes much more now.
Hannah has had a lovely time in Oamaru with her grandparents, biking and exploring the local creek. She was pleased to come back home, and the holidays are flying by!

Monday, October 10, 2011


After weeks of sick children, now it's my turn (cough, cough). Katarina and Janine are working towards studying, although Janine managed to find time to go bowling in Oamaru for a friend's birthday 'event' yesterday. I've been buying more art supplies for Katarina - expanding foam and plastic buckets, as she needs to super-size her sculptures.
Hannah is heading to Oamaru for some quality time with her grandparents on the farm while Chris and I take Zach to Blenheim for the football tournament. (Achoo).

Thursday, October 06, 2011

It can't be October can it?

The calendars in our house have not yet been changed, and the blog is late, which tells you several things. One is that life continues whether you look at the calendar or not. The other is that sometimes there are more important things than writing blogs.
Katarina has been offered a place in a hall of residence in Dunedin.
Janine went to the ball last week dressed in another of my outfits. I think I need new boots.
Zach and Hannah have both been ill with ear ache but have now come right.