Sunday, October 31, 2010

November 1, 2010

Big weekend in Timaru with the Timaru Boys High fireworks on Friday, and "Big Wheels" school fundraiser on Sunday. TPP had a combined celebration Sunday morning, where my team of high school boys (plus a few ring ins) played their two songs in their first service. They did well, and I am quite chuffed!
Hannah is being 'stalked' by a classmate who is quite taken by her. The teacher has spoken to him at school, and I thought we had addressed the issue but the child in question turned up at our house today. Poor Hannah is quite upset by it all. I had a wee chat with the boy in question, so hopefully that is the end of it all.
The art portfolio's are all in and the house is now graced by Katarina's sculptures; only photos of her work go in, which seems a little unfair as they really are quite stunning when they are actually in front of you. We are quietly rethinking subject choices and even career options at the moment; architecture and engineering have been mentioned by more than one teacher. The digital technologies teacher thinks she should be a technician as KJ is her 'go to' person for problem solving in class.
Janine has had her stitches out but not much improvement in her finger; as suspected, the deformity is in the joint, and there isn't much else that can be done with the current level of technology.
Zach is enjoying youth group on Sunday nights. We did a 'reverse' trick or treat night on Sunday, where we went around the neighborhood and gave out lollies. This was hugely successful when we could persuade people to open their doors and listen. We also gave out posies of sweet peas to some of the older folk - they were a hit!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Oddly October

Janine is working hard out over the holiday weekend to finish her art portfolio for Year 11 NCEA. We have set her up in a small room at church so she doesn't take over the kitchen and living room, or have to pack up for meals! She has been incredibly diligent, and didn't seem to mind stopping Sunday morning for church, helping out with sound and filling in looking after children. Sadly, she hasn't time for baking at the moment! She has taken over this role more or less much to the appreciation of her father and siblings. I find dealing with flour makes me unwell.
Even with the holiday weekend, church at Wai-iti road was full, with 10 children, where last year there would only have been ours. The nice thing about Timaru is that while the locals may head away, we have plenty of visitors! We also had a couple of earthquake refugees, as St Paul's is closed in the meantime due to earthquake damage. The damage is relatively minor but impacts access and we are concerned about evacuating a number of elderly people through one exit if necessary. So, we are currently worshiping in two or three centers, depending on the weekend. The irony of the situation is that we were already looking at changing our services; I think it probably just goes to show that people can make almost anything work - if they choose!
Katarina has a much more relaxed attitude towards her studies, but her report was very good, and she is quite confident that she will be finished on time.
I am off to the scenic reserve with the dog and the youngest two children. The days are lengthening and I've spent two lovely days in the garden.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

October - yes?

It's a bit hard to keep up with the weather at the moment, yesterday we enjoyed the country's top temperature of 26 degrees, followed by a hail storm and the mountains are dusted with a fresh covering of snow this morning! At least I don't have to water the garden today!
Today has also been a mixture of fineness, a hail storm, some chilliness and some quite nice bits. Janine had her left pinkie finger operated on today, so we've spent the afternoon at the hospital. She seems fine, and hopefully there will not be too much disruption to exam preparation.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


We've had a week of warmer weather so the latest cold snap to sweep through is a nasty surprise. The children are all back to school this morning, some happily, others less so.

Katarina and Janine have a short run up to exams and will be working long hours to get their respective art portfolios in. Zach and Hannah will be less pressured to start with, but this last school term always seems to be quite busy towards December.

We enjoyed have Marijon and Erin here for a few days - the last couple of days were cupcake themed, as Erin decided they might fit with a whimsy theme! Amazing what can be done with sugar and food colouring! It is of course temporary art, and I gather the cupcakes were also delicious!

This week it is back to music and futsal,Girl's Brigade and orchestra, all good.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Back at home base

It has been a crazy busy week, starting in Nelson with Zach's soccer tournament and finishing back home Sunday night with Assembly in Christchurch in between. Amazing what a difference one week in spring makes in the garden - tulips and anemones making a big colourful splash!
I picked up three kids from Lincoln yesterday afternoon after dropping Marijon and Erin (my sister in law and niece)in the city centre from the airport. Navigating Christchurch is rather fraught at the moment, parts of the one way are down to one lane and I've forgotten the direct route to anywhere in any case! But we got there in the end, packed up the van with luggage and extras and made it back to Timaru where Katarina had made cooked tea for us!!! Yay! I do like having capable teenagers!
Assembly was one of the most positive overall that I have been around the edges of. Amazing! A group from the Korean church in Christchurch led worship Sunday night which was stunning.