Tuesday, December 30, 2008


The boxes are slowly disappearing, and the dog is starting to feel a little more like part of the family than a rather unruly and intrusive visitor. We've renamed her 'Shadow' - she is mostly black, with a little white blaze on her chest and a few white bits on paws and muzzle. She is a soppy thing and just wants to be part of the family; we tied her up outside at Nanny and Grandpa's during Christmas dinner and she just cried. Then she chewed through the lead. Then she chased and caught a chicken. O the ignominy. O the disgrace! However, all the fowls were back in their hutch by nightfall although they disappeared into the trees for most of the day, and I think we are all forgiven. Just!
We are enjoying the weather - hot! Baking out the chill of Dunedin! We've met up with some old friends from Bible College, Mark and Anne Pavelka who have been working in South America, and had the Franks over for tea last night, who head back to Brazil in a couple of weeks.
Hannah is bearing up well with the inconvenience of a broken arm - she is very cross about not swimming! And it is hot and heavy and itchy. Apart from that, she is doing well. Zach was rather badly sunburnt on Sunday at the beach; I was distracted by the dog's antics. Shadow had a fabulous time chasing waves and seagulls, while Zach danced in and out of the water and the sun etched itself onto his back. (Yes, I know, I get yet another nomination for worst mother in the world.)
We've joined the Timaru library, so the girls are happy. The biggest job is setting up the library and study; it's hard to put up shelves when there are boxes in the way.
Mum and Dad are coming for New Year's Day - this will be their first visit to the new house.
A very happy New Year to all my devoted readers, some of whom I know are facing the same sorts of experiences as they move into new 'digs'. May God bless you richly.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The first of many, we presume

We, and most of our belongings, are in Timaru! We shifted in Friday and the rain began just as the last boxes were hauled inside. Then it rained and rained all Saturday, but we didn't mind as we were setting up beds and trying to find the cutlery so we could eat. Our knives, forks and spoons are stilling missing in action, so we are making do with the good silver. Ah, the privations one must endure.

Anna, our neice arrived with a smiling face and a willing pair of arms on Saturday, and after unpacking lots took the kids away to the movies. Legend!

The mail has started to arrive at 347 Wai-iti Road, Timaru and a paper today too. And we went at looked at a dog today, we are thinking of expanding the family.

We are all pretty tired, so the unpacking is proceding fairly slowly, and we are also trying to sort out more of the things we didn't have time to toss before we moved. However, this is not an easy process when there are six people, because someone or other can usually think of a good reason to hang on to something.

On the plus side, I was out picking red currents and black currents this morning, O Joy! O Bliss!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Last post from Dunedin

We came for two years, we've been here for four, but we are finally on our way! The packers come this week and next week's post will be from Timaru. Wahoo!
I'm working on the last changes to my thesis, and depending on the interruptions, I could even have it finished and in this week. Or maybe not. But nearly there!!
I've shown another group of people through the house today, and potentially have them signed up to rent the house, that's great.
We've enjoyed having cousin Ben over this afternoon; he is down visiting Anna, and has brought lots of yummy Christmas treats from Oma in Hamilton - thank you!
This week is lots of lasts, last time at swimming club, last visit to the Farmer's market (cherries and strawberries this week as well as the regular coffee!), last contact with Columba uniforms (both sets have good homes to go to), well, you know how it goes. And there will be some firsts at the end of the week too, first time living in Timaru, first time we get to stay without having to dash home, first lot of Christmas services, God is good!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

It's the final countdown...ooh, ooh!

11 days until we shift, and there may be a few interruptions to service, but we will see.

Hannah missed her final recorder concert (mummy had the time wrong!), and danced 2 out of 3 ballet concerts. However, I'm pretty sure her absence was not noticed as there were at least 17 other squirrels dancing in her 2 1/2 minute segment. The 2 1/2 hour production was a marathon of waiting for the small children, while the star pupils were off-stage just long enough to change costume.

We managed to make Zach's premiere world performance of his first composition, which was well received. Mum and Dad came down to see it, and mum also went to the ballet. We are wondering about what to do with music next year, to keep him interested and involved.

This week I am in Auckland on Tuesday for work, Chris is home Monday and Tuesday, and the rest of the week will be cleaning and sorting and tossing, all those things you do just before you move!