Snow at last!
Click on the link above for some pictures of Saturday.
We had 2 inches here on Signal Hill, so everything was cancelled and we had snow ball fights etc, well later in the day. To begin with, the snow was so dry it wouldn't pack into balls!!! We all had an awesome time, rescued one or two silly people who insisted on driving up the hill, despite the fact kids were sliding down on bags and toboggans. It was a super day, the whole neighbourhood came out of their houses and talked to each other.
Then it rained, so the roads were clear for church on Sunday! God is good!
Yesterday was a late start because of road conditions and Chris had to cancel the weekend leader's retreat because of the road conditions; when they set out the Northern motorway was still open but by the time they got there twenty minutes later, it was closed. So the boys rescued a number of vehicles that had slidden, turned some folk around and generally made themselves useful.
There is still snow on the hills today and we've been having snow flurries and hail which makes driving interesting at times. However it will be the frosts later in the week that will be dangerous. Wednesday morning there was a breeze and some cloud cover but as the forecast is for fine settled weather, we will be seeing more icy stuff soon.
Click on the link above for some pictures of Saturday.
We had 2 inches here on Signal Hill, so everything was cancelled and we had snow ball fights etc, well later in the day. To begin with, the snow was so dry it wouldn't pack into balls!!! We all had an awesome time, rescued one or two silly people who insisted on driving up the hill, despite the fact kids were sliding down on bags and toboggans. It was a super day, the whole neighbourhood came out of their houses and talked to each other.
Then it rained, so the roads were clear for church on Sunday! God is good!
Yesterday was a late start because of road conditions and Chris had to cancel the weekend leader's retreat because of the road conditions; when they set out the Northern motorway was still open but by the time they got there twenty minutes later, it was closed. So the boys rescued a number of vehicles that had slidden, turned some folk around and generally made themselves useful.
There is still snow on the hills today and we've been having snow flurries and hail which makes driving interesting at times. However it will be the frosts later in the week that will be dangerous. Wednesday morning there was a breeze and some cloud cover but as the forecast is for fine settled weather, we will be seeing more icy stuff soon.