Monday, October 17, 2005

After the birthday

Chris worked really hard to make this year's birthday really special, from organising presents and breakfast in bed with the children to getting my Mum and Dad down for tea, all without me knowing.

I also managed to squeeze in a visit with a friend to the Woman's Expo, which was a hoot. And then from about 3 people just seemed to keep arriving, not too many at a time so there was time to enjoy everyone. Very cool! Well done Chris - thanks!

I preached a narrative sermon on Sunday (i.e. a drama) which seemed to go down very well, all have been very encouraging. Chris was also busy with a very creative and technological intercessory prayer in the morning and another teaching time at night. I don't think I am on anything this weekend which is just as well.

This week has turned to custard as Hannah is sick. Didn't matter on Monday as we both took the day off but it is starting to look like it might be another few days. While it is not too serious, "just a virus", she also has an ear infection, which we haven't had for a year or two, and we've got anti biotics for that. It might be slap cheek or still could turn into chicken pox; while she isn't too miserable (thank goodness for Pamol!) she is coughing away, quite croupy at times. I.E. not fit for the company of others really! The gossip from other pre-school mums is that several others have been sick and then sent back too early which just spreads the illness around. However, I can understand the huge temptation to get them back as soon as possible.

Apart from that, all is well. We have really not had much sickness this year at all. God is good.


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