Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Second week of the holidays

Trevor went home Sunday night and the kids are off to holiday programs this week, 2 next door at Opoho School and Hannah at her Montessori school. Janine was hanging out to go to the holiday program so she is happy and there is a playstation there so Zachary is estatic. Chris put Katarina on a bus to Timaru on Monday - she is having a few days with her cousin and aunty Tracy and Uncle Duncan there.

The dishwasher is now sitting in the right place in the kitchen after hiding in the laundry for a week while we waited for the joiner. Now we are waiting for the plumber and the electrician. Katarina is really hoping all this happens before she get's home this week. I am wondering how much dust to clean up now or whether to leave it until the rest of the mess makers have been and gone!

Sunday night saw me organising Student Soul; I sent them off to various stations to actually do some Bible reading and they came back with some awesome stuff, especially the drama and music groups. Seriously funny. I'm pretty happy with it so we will see what the debrief looks like later this week. I have to say, I am really, really, really enjoying this.

I am training to go tramping this weekend with Student Soul while Chris is preaching at Kaikorai. Zach and Hannah have both been invited to friends places on Saturday or is Zach's friend coming here? Anyone, it is still all go. And I am trying to spend some time in the lab getting my head around Logic, a computer based recording program - when I'm not walking up hills, slowly.

With Neville announcing his resignation as principal of SOM last week, things are starting to move quite quickly. There is a lot to organise. Also, with our TSU president Nimorota out of action for 6 weeks as he recovers from his back operation, I have picked up some of his responsibilities, especially with the Valedictory service November 14. More meetings...


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