Sunday, August 14, 2005

There is no such thing as coincidence...

For Christians, there is no such thing as coincidences. Sometimes God moves in mysterious ways.
Weird things keep happening. I’ve been going to visit a senior minister this semester as part of my course and we were talking about my music stuff. He asked to see what I’d written and I just happened to have a copy of “You are the Rock” in my bag as I am introducing it to Leith Valley. He looked at it and looked at me and looked back at the music and said – did you write this? Yup. Playing on Southern Star, yeah, yeah, me singing, blah, blah, blah.

Turns out he’d been trying to buy it, cos he wanted to use it for something.

Without success, oddly enough.

Until the composer turned up in his office.

Cool eh!

I spent part of this weekend at Student Soul camp and Helen, their minister, introduced me as a ministry student who'd be spending some time with them this semester and mentioned in an off hand way that I also wrote music. So I made a bit of a joke about that, as they have some AWESOME musicians, very cool, groovy, funky kind of people and my stuff is very middle of the road etc. So I mentioned that, yeah, I wrote the sort of stuff they played on Southern Star. Nice, but not really what the young adults are into.

Well, Sunday night and this guy was the speaker at Student Soul, back at the university. At the end of his talk, a talk about the way that matter and the soul are all interrelated, he began to talk about hearing a song on Southern Star, looking for this particular piece of music, not finding it and then having the composer walk into his office. And then starts playing "You are the Rock".At the end, he dragged me up the front (eek!).

So, instant street credibility for me with the Student Soul crowd. I mean, it's one thing to hear that someone's song is on the radio, it is entirely another when the guest speaker likes it so much he uses it in his presentation.

So, exciting times.


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