Thursday, February 24, 2005

First Day of Lectures

We've survived!
More than that, it was all very interesting although I am wondering how Chris and I are both going to find places to preach twice between now and April!

Zachary has been elected to the school council! He said the other week that he was aiming to have more friends here than he had in Lower Hutt. Nothing like having goals!!!

We are enjoing having my brother Tim to stay for the next couple of days. He has brought a bunch of sound gear with him so the front room has been transformed into a potential sound studio. We even had a jam session with the older girls this evening! So, I'm all set to start recording... if only I didn't have so many assignments to be working on!

We've also enjoyed having our niece Anna up for the afternoon. She popped in to help Katarina perfect her origami technique and stayed to borrow some books for a New Testament course she has squeezed in to her health science studies. She even brought some biscuits she had made which puts me to shame - although I am blaming the oven for my lack of baking attempts...And we did have fresh bread for tea!


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