Thursday, February 24, 2005

And it's only Thursday!

We’ve finished for the week, having had introductions, interviews, Myers-Briggs interviews and shared the stories of all the other ordinands. The lecturers are all characters and we are looking forward to working with them this year. Two in particular jumped up and down with excitement when they found out about my passion for worship leading which I am a little worried about!

Zachary has been swimming all week and is absolutely loving it! He is making wonderful progress and is trying so hard. The other big news was the hatching of a butterfly in their class this week; the kids are all enthralled and enjoying the opportunity to enjoy some science up close and personal.

Hannah is still eating like a horse and happily scooting off to Montessori each morning. She arrives home and eats two sandwiches, yes folks, we are talking FOUR slices of bread here! And that is after a reasonable, if vegetarian, lunch and still manages a decent sort of tea.

Janine has glasses now – turns out she is short sighted also and has chosen nice purple flexi frames. Big Eeek money wise as we hadn’t budgeted on that particular expense! Katarina also needs new lenses but we will wait a month or two to ease the pressure on the purse.

I’ve been trying to get to the WINZ office in Dunedin which has just moved – to a site with no signage (So they are Really Hard to find) and no parking ( so they are really hard to get to). No wonder the unemployment rate is so low – no one can find the offices! Earlier this week a 6 month review form arrived for the childcare subsidy we have just started to receive. We are talking 3 pages of detailed information here, not just a simple – has anything changed? Bit of a worry really. I rang my “case office” who said I could ignore it, so I will. But it leaves me wondering things like - If I find it difficult, how do people in really problematic circumstances get on?

However, these are all minor worries and we are looking forward to getting into classes next week.


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