Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Scary things that happened today

Scary things that happened today.

Chris and I wandered up the hill to have a coffee with another ministry student and his wife, Dennis and Jenny Flett. THREE hours later we managed to get home; must be on holiday or something! Dennis is lovely but scary, bit of a Greek scholar. Now, I remember studying Greek but that is about all.

Actually, Chris has been working like a Trojan unpacking boxes but made a nasty discovery, some of our papers had got wet when we had a flood in the garage the week before we left. So they were all mouldy and icky… I’ve just typed in the irreplaceable stuff, fortunately most was on a computer and it is easy enough to make more hard copies. See, computers have their uses, all you technophobes

I’ve enrolled the two older girls in a Saturday music class and I’m making enquiries about ballet. I’m a bit worried about how we will fit everything in; will just have to work efficiently.

People will insist on BIKING up Signal Hill road; I have enough trouble walking up it!

The cloud is rolling in again, spectacular! Yet another gorgeous sunset, still light at 9:30, not that we are taking time to sit and enjoy it yet. Needs some visitors to give us an excuse to down tools and chat. Hang on, wait a minute, did that this morning, so can’t complain really.

Heard from Robbie McGuiness (Ex Lower Hutt youth) today, he is due back in town. I’m not sure whether we will have time to have him over for tea before he heads off for his aquatic week, time will tell…

Thanks to those who are reading and letting us know what you think (both of you!). Without feedback, the rest will simply have to put up with what I put up.


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