Sunday, November 02, 2008

Remember, remember

Katarina had some art work displayed at the Glenfalloch Gardens last weekend, along with other girls from Columba College, so we drove out to see her first 'exhibition'! The gardens are lovely, and the event was part of the Rhododendron festival in Dunedin. Janine and Katarina had a school service at Knox last night.
After dropping them off, I went to the political meeting at Opoho church. It was a little surreal as I had been preaching there this morning, and the church was much fuller at night! However, it was a great meeting, brilliantly chaired and I have a much better idea of who I won't be voting for!
Chris is back home after a week in Timaru, but he is already packing to go back. We have a couple of months still of this, and already I can see it is going to be a pain because there are things there that are still needed here, not that you know that when you pack them. The week has gone well, quite quickly actually.


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