Sunday, September 07, 2008

Daffodils and other blossoms

Daffodils are blooming in Dunedin, and the weather is fine enough to get out and enjoy them! We went for a bike ride together on Saturday, enjoying the blossoms, and other spring things, like warmer and drier weather.

This was our first week without soccer which frees up Thursday (no practice) and some of Saturday morning. However, we are building up to a big music concert on Saturday 21, which meant most of the morning at DNI. The recorder ensemble that Zak and I play in will perform, and Hannah, Zak and I will be part of the 200 strong massed item. Crazy stuff, trying to get 40 six year olds to know when to play and when to wait patiently but a good exerience all the same.
We all went to see 'Oliver' on Saturday night - this was a Columba College school production, and Chris was keen to take everyone as he enjoyed going to these sorts of things when he was young.
Chris and I are in conversation with two churches in Timaru, and we are trying to sort a date to go and preach for a call. This has made Page 2 in the Timaru Herald, with most of the moderator's pastoral letter to the churches being printed although no names were mentioned. The four churches in Timaru are vacant at the moment, and team ministry has been discussed, proposed and even voted on. Only two wanted to proceed, and these are the ones that we are talking with. However, the other two churches were a bit miffed they weren't included, even though they voted not to do the team ministry thing. Politics!
So we've managed to upset things already and we're not even there!!! These things all take time, and we wouldn't move before the end of the year even if we are called. There is also a possibility that Chris might do some interim work in one church before the end of the year, which would be a bit of a commute, but really help our bank balance. So we will see what happens!


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