Sunday, August 12, 2007

What was that again?

We are being hit with a batch of winter ills at the moment; Hannah came home at lunchtime one day last week, missed lunch and slept for a couple of hours, and Janine is home recovering from a tummy bug today. Chris and I are both slightly under the weather with colds and Katarina almost lost her voice last week!

We've had a busy week picking up some extra jobs as Ken is on sick leave at the moment, mostly working on communication issues. Chris celebrated his birthday on Sunday, but between preaching at two services and youth group at night, there wasn't much of a party, well, actually, the theme of Sunday night was "Parties are God's idea!", so there was a party after all.

Janine has finished her science fair project, which is up for display today, I will go down and see it later today. And Katarina has come home with a pretty good report, some areas to work on.
Zach is busy playing his recorder; the two younger ones have a concert coming up and Zach is practising hard, playing 'Hymn to Joy' and "Big Ben". I have suggested he might like to fill in for the clock while they are cleaning it!

On Sunday, I took the intercessory prayers at church, and asked for contributions from the congregation. Zach suggested that we needed to pray for the Chinese as they prepare for the Olympics, because they are having trouble with pollution. I was gob-smacked, I had no idea that issue was on his radar. Apparently they have talked about it at school. So, well done Zach, both for speaking up in church, and it is a big church, so that isn't easy, and also for making an excellent and relevant contribution. Not bad for an eight year old. Hey, he was paying attention in church!!!


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