Sunday, December 03, 2006

Advent 1

We have settled into a routine of sorts against after the celebrations of last week. Yesterday Katarina and Janine were part of the youth service at Leith, playing, singing and involved with the drama. This has involved extra practises and next week the whole family will be part of the pagent run by the Sunday School at Leith.
I was invited late in the week to preach at North Taieri which was a joy and a pleasure although it meant missing the girls' contribution to workship. Chris is preparing his crit service for Sunday 17 at Leith and is hoping to help my dad with some home repairs in Oamaru this week. I continue to make use of the library resources here in Dunedin, both the Hewitson and the university library.
Hannah continues with two swimming lessons a week, one with her school and one with her friend, Ben Purdie, on Thursdays.
Zachary will finish his Kiwi cricket skills soon; this is just as well as he is getting bored with the sessions but they keep the interest up with giveaways, including player cards each week.
We still have nothing firm on the horizen although we have had several "interesting" conversations with churches around Dunedin. We will keep you posted...


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