Sunday, September 03, 2006

Springing into September

Chris and I enjoyed two balmy days in Christchurch, absolutly glorious spring weather. We have had a quiet chat with a church up there and are waiting now to see if they wish to take the conversation any further. We are feeling quite positive.
Hannah and Janine enjoyed a weekend with their grandparents in Oamaru. Janine is very excited as she went horse riding, including a short canter. Hannah has come back itchiing like anything, we suspect some of the pollen up there does not agree with her.
Zachary opted to stay with friends here in Dunedin,as he had the soccer breakup to go to. He enjoyed his two nights away from home. Katarina also opted to stay with friends with Dunedin.
Chris and I took advantage of the new service from Oamaru which worked fine, although the plane was overloaded comeing back so Air NZ flew our bag to Dunedin and dropped it off there. The plane was almost full and apparently there were fuel issues!


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