Saturday, July 08, 2006

Programmed for holidays

While it may only be Sunday today, I suspect I will run out of time tomorrow. The three youngest children are booked into holiday programs and Chris and I have seminars tomorrow and start a block course on Tuesday.

I don't really feel that we have had a chance to stop yet, however, the children and I enjoyed "Over the Hedge" at the movies on Friday and the Science Fair at the university on Saturday. THat was funny. It took all morning to get everyone up, dressed and down there but once we got there, I couldn't get them to leave! There were tons of interactive exhibits and they also had a passport with stamps to encourage kids to visit every exhibit. There was plenty for all ages, even Hannah. See, science can be fun!

Chris and I are looking at a profile for a church in Christchurch. This has the potential for being a base for a Student Soul church there, but it is early days yet and we have plenty of homework to do. However, this has potential as far as a job goes for next year, so it is all good.


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