Thursday, March 10, 2005

The pressure is on!

Chris has written out all the dates of our assignments for the next 3 months! There are 18! That includes 3 sermons, 2 essays and a partidge in a pear tree! I am tempted to panic but I haven't got time.
However, the great thing about studying with a small group of people is that there are plenty of others to get hints from. Yay.

Tonight I met with the "woman's" group; technically it is the 'spouses' group but it was a lot of fun anyway, and it was fun to be able to just walk up the road to a meeting! Haven't been able to do that for a while!

There was an abrupt change in the weather as we were on the way home, we managed to sneak inside just before the heavens opened. This morning we enjoyed mild nor'westers; tonight, well, let's just say we have put the fire on!

I had an interview with Katarina's teacher this afternoon; all is well, they seem to be getting on. Katarina and a friend organised a fund raising water fight by themselves this week, which impressed Miss Glover. There are a couple of things to work on, aren't there always, but KJ is enjoying her school and seems to have a nice group of friends. Cool!


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