Janine's news
This post is mostly about Janine, who turned 14 last week and celebrated with a couple of friends over the weekend. Today we spent over an hour at the podiatrist, taking off half a toenail on each big toe and dealing to the nail bed so the offending nails don't regrow in a troublesome manner. The ridges in the side of her toe are quite pronounced and deep, so the op is well worth the trouble. No wet feet for the next couple of days, but she can go back to school tomorrow, and we have another visit on Friday to check on progress.
I baked a cake for her birthday which the kids left on the bench. I popped out to take Katarina to school (not a regular occurance!) and Zak and Hannah left for school leaving Shadow inside. You can imagine what happened. I came home to find the dog muzzle deep in chocolate cake, deep in disgrace, and banished her outside for the rest of the day. You're not supposed to feed chocolate to dogs - but what if they help themselves! Needless to say, I was disappointed, but Janine didn't seem too upset by it. And her daddy bought her a replacement later in the week, isn't he nice!
I baked a cake for her birthday which the kids left on the bench. I popped out to take Katarina to school (not a regular occurance!) and Zak and Hannah left for school leaving Shadow inside. You can imagine what happened. I came home to find the dog muzzle deep in chocolate cake, deep in disgrace, and banished her outside for the rest of the day. You're not supposed to feed chocolate to dogs - but what if they help themselves! Needless to say, I was disappointed, but Janine didn't seem too upset by it. And her daddy bought her a replacement later in the week, isn't he nice!
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