Time off in Tekapo
We've had a weekend away in Tekapo, which is stunningly gorgeous at this time of year. The deciduous trees light up the landscape with splashes of red and yellow, and we had the best weather, warm and calm. Shadow ran away the first night, too excited to come back when we called but she was there again in the morning (bad dog. BAD DOG.) She was just a bit quick for Chris, and once she has a scent in her nose, her ears stop working. She was quite happy to be with us again in the morning, and none the worse for wear. Zach is playing with his roller blades at the moment, and Shadow tows him along quite happily.
It is a little weird to be completely out of touch for a couple of days, but a good idea to get out of town and out of routine. The school holidays mean the children can sleep in, and do some other activities. Hannah and I made marshmallow eggs for Easter, and Katarina has been sewing, Chris is making wine, and Janine and I read and cook.
This week the girls go to the dentist, Chris and I meet the Mayor of Timaru, and Janine has a babysitting gig in Christchuch with my sister for a couple of days. Katarina, Zach and I have a camp at the weekend. All good.
It is a little weird to be completely out of touch for a couple of days, but a good idea to get out of town and out of routine. The school holidays mean the children can sleep in, and do some other activities. Hannah and I made marshmallow eggs for Easter, and Katarina has been sewing, Chris is making wine, and Janine and I read and cook.
This week the girls go to the dentist, Chris and I meet the Mayor of Timaru, and Janine has a babysitting gig in Christchuch with my sister for a couple of days. Katarina, Zach and I have a camp at the weekend. All good.
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