Monday, August 08, 2011

Birthday party - finally

It took a while, but Zach finally had his party on Saturday afternoon; Chris took the boys to Oamaru for bowling, Janine made cup cakes for them to decorate, and Katarina made the actual cake. I did the food, and Hannah went to a friend's house. All good.
Chris and I had a Presbytery meeting in Hanmer Springs for several days and Mum kindly came and watched the munchkins. This is a much easier job than it used to be, but still involves some running around for sports and music lessons.
Zach has been ice skating in Tekapo today.
We have enjoyed having three delightful billets from Columba College for the Craighead Quad Tournament Sunday-Tuesday. They were the debating team and just great. I wish people who mutter darkly about "the youth of today" could have seen them; bright, articulate, polite....


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