Sunday, May 08, 2011

Wet wet wet

Two inches of rain, and the tracks down at Centennial Park are showing signs of scouring and the creek is way, way up. No soccer on Saturday...
Hannah is sick of biking to school in the rain - Janine just takes the bus.
Katarina went to Dunedin for the open day at University. She is looking at various options but nothing seems to be sticking at the moment. At least she is looking at university! I think she might quite like the idea of not being at home, and hanging out with her Dunedin friends a bit more, but in terms of actually studying something that would lead to a job, well, things are not quite clear yet.
Zach was disappointed to find they only cook every second week at tech; they spend Friday afternoon there every week, and each term undertake a different area of practical work. Last term he was designing and working with plastic, and bought home a very nice clock. This term it is cooking, and while he has to get round three sisters to get to the kitchen, there will be plenty of opportunities to reinforce his burgeoning culinary skills.


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