Tuesday, September 29, 2009


We are on holiday! We went to Dunedin on Monday to pick up Katarina, and a broken dishwasher from our old house. Hannah and Zach had a brief catch up with old friends, and we also went to Spotlight (home of all things crafty!)We stayed with mum and dad in Oamaru.

Poor Shadow had a terrible night, she didn't enjoy the accommodation provided (an old drum, which used to provide shelter for a goat...) and she whined nearly all night. Mind you, there were possums barking as well. Finally she slipped out of her harness, and I heard her whining outside my window at 5:30. I went to catch her, opened the boot of the van and she just about flew inside, settled down and went to sleep. Should have thought of that earlier!

Katarina is going to be studying, Janine will probably be reading, and Zach and Chris are going tramping on Thursday and Friday.


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