Sunday, October 28, 2007

Week of wild weather

Wow! What a week of wild weather which included hail, snow on the hills several mornings, wind and of course rain. No damage for us, apart from an iris in the garden and the broad beans didn't fare too well, although they really needed staking anyway!
However there have also been some stunning days - including this morning! Mum and Dad brought some wood down for us, which we were able to stack up last Monday, Labour Weekend. Chris has made a new wood store out the back, which is about half full. Zach has some work to do bringing up the rest from the garage!
Zach has a play station and his favourite game is Star Wars Jedi Fighters. Hannah enjoys playing Lego Star Wars and Shrek. Janine prefers The Sims on the computer and Katarina doesn't really have time to play computer games! Zach loves playing Age of Mythology on the computer, so you can see we have some challenges limiting screen time. He does, however, have a new bike which has renewed that activity as a source of interest.
Chris is busy this week building an office for me in the front entranceway. All the plants have been shifted out and most of the furniture. We look forward to future developments!
In the meantime I have been spending more time on campus writing and reading. It only takes me ten minutes to get down there on the bike, and about forty to get home!


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