Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Christmas Letter 2004

Konings Kapers 2004

December 17,

Hi there,

We are on the move – Dunedin this time, for two years at the school of ministry, Knox. Chris and I went to National Assessment in 2003 but we delayed for a year, allowing us both to complete some undergraduate theological studies. We leave Lower Hutt January 14, although Chris is hoping to be in Auckland early in the New Year to paint the house in Dolphin Street.

Katarina, Janine and Zachary have finished at Boulcott School. Katarina finished Year Six and will start at Dunedin North Intermediate next year. She passed Grade 5 ballet this year. She turned 11 and is becoming quite the young lady. She is very creative and still loves reading.

Janine and Katarina have been doing a Gifted Kids program one day a week this year and have really enjoyed the extra attention, trips out, visiting specialists and the chance to develop some different thinking skills. They even managed to make it up to AgResearch, where I work, to do some crime scene analysis.

Janine is now 9 and started a drama class this year which she really enjoyed. She has been very busy at school with choir, German lessons and some hip hop dance classes. She is such a book worm still and is looking forward to seeing more of her grandparents next year. And the horses!

Zach started school this year in July and has made a flying start. His teacher is very musical and with the help of some cute little songs soon had his letters and sounds down pat. He is reading brilliantly and just loves school. He’d like to join a soccer club next year and is really feeling the lack of brothers at the moment. We’ve just got a trampoline and that is a big attraction. This is Zac doing his dj impression. He even does the break dancing thing. If the music is good enough; happens at church sometimes…

Hannah turned three in November and we had a wild animal party; guess what animal she went as! She has been going to Soma two days a week this last half of the year and really enjoys it. Unlike the rest of our children she is quite happy to take herself off for a sleep either at home or at day care (catch any of the others doing that at any age!!!). She is very good at pointing out the letters she recognises around the place and sings all sorts of songs, including the silly versions of Jingle Bells that her siblings regale her with!

Chris is finishing up 6 1/2 years as the youth pastor at Knox, Lower Hutt. It is a bittersweet time, celebrating all the good things and feeling a bit sad about some of the missed opportunities. Yes, the sound system he has been working on is finished. He says he doesn’t want to do another one but we’ll see…

We enjoyed our first overseas holiday, first break from the kids, first trip to Sydney, first – well, there were a lot of firsts. My Mum and Dad held the fort down in Lower Hutt while Chris and I flew to Australia. Big thanks to Tim, my bro who very kindly put us up at his flat. We caught up with Andy and Vanessa, friends from Pakuranga days and their new baby. We had so much fun, spent up large at Koorong Books, lots of trips on the ferries, froze our butts off , yes it was cold in Sydney,and went to the zoo. Cool. Love those airpoints.

I’ve been busy writing and recording more worship songs, don’t have the time or the money to do a proper album but have done enough to give people the idea anyways. At the start of the year work was one day a week while I finished off my theology degree but the end of my paper coincided with someone at work leaving so I’ve been working three days a week for the second half of the term. And leading worship at church and music at Oasis, our weekly coffee and kids event, and not doing much in the garden and driving the children around after school.

All in all a busy time.

We are looking forward to moving. Our new address will be 104 Signal Hill Road, Dunedin.

We are hoping to organise a website which we can update regularly ourselves. But we’ll send the details later.

We pray that you and your family will know joy and peace and love this Christmas.
Many blessings

Mary-Jane, Chris, Katarina, Janine, Zachary and Hannah.


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